var getDetails = function() {
return {
name :'Jeremy Weeks',
age :40,
location :'San Jose, CA',
job :'Senior Software Engineer, Netflix',
description:'Hi, I\'m Jeremy. Thanks for checking out my site. I am a Software Engineer and I do web development, make games, build apps, animate and occasionally sleep.'

var ps = 'Oh, and I play a lot of games.';

I'm currently playing:

  • Terraria Timber!! No Hobo Stop! Hammer Time! Ooo! Shiny! Heart Breaker Heavy Metal I Am Loot! Star Power Hold on Tight! Eye on You
  • FINAL FANTASY VII Won 1st battle
  • STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor™ Rooftop Duel For Saw Gerrera Grab Some Seat The Past Made Present Survivors, We Adapt Among the Masters For the Path They Never Saw It Coming Mirror Match Riposte
  • The Operator First Day Clicked 1, 2, 3, 4 times Second Day Third Day Completed the Game Watched Credits Saved Agent PENDELL Uncovered HAL's Identity Welcome to the FDI Reverted Fire Report
  • The Case of the Golden Idol First Case Solved Second Case Solved Third Case Solved Fourth Case Solved Fifth Case Solved Sixth Case Solved Seventh Case Solved Eight Case Solved Ninth Case Solved Tenth Case Solved